Car insurance
Insure your car at the lowest market prices!
Pantazis Cars, understanding the needs of its customers, has taken care of you and offers you insurance coverage, as well as additional benefits through preferential insurance programs for your car. Car insurance programs aim to fully meet the needs of policyholders and their vehicles. Flexible packages with rich benefits and coverage for vehicle insurance in cooperation with the largest and most reliable insurance groups.
Our experienced staff is at your disposal to assist you in choosing the right insurance plan for you and your vehicle.
Additional benefits of Pantazis Cars for its customers:

- Priority in the workshop
- Cleaning the inside out of your car
- Direct payment of the workshop by the company
- Pick up and return your car to the place of your choice
- Written guarantee 21-point
- Technical Inspection
- Replacing your car during repair
Pantazis Insurance
Α. Compulsory Coverage
Liability insurance, which is also mandatory by law, includes third party compensation for damages caused by the insured vehicle during its circulation or operation.
The coverages are:
- Injuries to Third Parties
- Material Damages against Third Parties
- Injuries to passengers
- Liability for theft
The mandatory thresholds are those that are defined each time by the Greek Legislation. The client can choose larger insured funds, depending on his desire or needs.
Β. Optional coverage
Every Insurance Company has the right, upon the client’s wish, to insure for optional coverage. The terms differ by Insurance Company and are listed on the General Terms form attached to each pre-insurance policy.
Covers can be:
- Fire
- Fire from Terrorist Actions
- Total theft
- Partial theft (removal of vehicle parts)
- Same Damage from collision, impact, deflection or overturning.
- Malicious Acts
- Crystal breakage
- Natural Phenomena (flood, storm, thunderstorm, snow, hail or earthquake)
- Fire Liability
- Personal Accident Driver / Owner
- Legal protection
- Material Damages from an uninsured vehicle
- Roadside assistance
Roadside assistance

Pantazis InsuranceRoadside Assistance with an extensive network throughout Greece, is ready, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, to be near you and provide solutions.
Roadside Assistance may include:
- Roadside Assistance in case of immobilization due to accident or damage
- On-site vehicle repair
- Tire change
- Transportation of an immobilized vehicle due to damage or accident
- Conditional replacement vehicle
- Help in case of fuel shortage
- Help with key loss
- Lifting-retrieval from a public road
- Sanitary transport
- Hotel expenses
- Hospital care abroad
- Repatriation of vehicle and passengers
- Delivery of spare parts
- Medical advice